Thursday, September 24, 2015


“Wahai sekalian manusia! Beribadatlah kepada Tuhan kamu yang telah menciptakan kamu dan orang-orang yang terdahulu daripada kamu, supaya kamu (menjadi orang-orang yang) bertakwa. Dialah yang menjadikan bumi ini untuk kamu sebagai hamparan dan langit (serta segala isinya) sebagai bangunan (yang dibina dengan kukuhnya) dan diturunkanNya air hujan dari langit, lalu dikeluarkanNya dengan air itu berjenis-jenis buah-buahan yang menjadi rezeki bagi kamu; maka janganlah kamu mengadakan bagi Allah, sebarang sekutu, padahal kamu semua mengetahui (bahawa Allah ialah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa).” (Al-Baqarah: 21-22)

Allah menyeru semua manusia tanpa mengira bangsa, tanpa mengira rupa dan tanpa mengira agama. Mereka diseru agar menyembahNya, Tuhan yang telah menciptakan mereka semua dan yang telah menciptakan orang-orang terdahulu daripada mereka, iaitu ibu bapa, datuk nenek serta moyang-moyang mereka.

Allah juga menciptakan langit, bumi dan segala isinya untuk kegunaan mereka. Malah penciptaan langit, bumi dan segala isinya jauh lebih lama daripada penciptaan manusia di muka bumi ini. Ertinya, sebelum manusia diciptakan, Allah telah mempersiapkan keperluan hidup mereka; bumi yang terbentang luas sebagai tempat tinggal, tanahnya yang subur dilitupi pelbagai jenis tumbuh-tumbuhan yang berwarna-warni. Di dalam perutnya pula terpendam pelbagai galian yang sangat berharga.
Langit yang teguh menaungi, dipenuhi dengan cakrawala yang pelbagai guna.
Semuanya diciptkan untuk kegunaan manusia supaya mereka dapat menjalani kehidupan yang sementara di dunia dengan sebaik-baiknya. “Dialah (Allah) yang menjadikan untuk kamu segala yang ada di bumi, kemudian Dia menuju dengan kehendakNya ke arah (bahan-bahan) langit, lalu dijadikannya tujuh langit dengan sempurna dan Dia Maha Mengetahui akan tiap-tiap sesuatu.” (Al-Baqarah:29)

Antara pengajaran yang dapat diambil daripada ayat ini:

Pertama – Allah adalah satu-satunya Pencipta sekelian makhluk. Justeru, hanya Dia yang layak disembah. Apa yang manusia sembah selainNya semuanya makhluk yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa kuasa dan tidak mempunyai apa-apa jasa dalam penciptaan dan penyediaan rezeki untuk kita. “Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Sudahkah kamu mengetahui kekuasaan dan kelayakan makhluk-makhluk yang kamu jadikan sekutu-sekutu, yang kamu seru dan sembah selain Allah? Tunjukkanlah kepadaku apa yang mereka telah ciptakan dari bahagian bumi ini?. Atau adakah mereka mempunyai sebarang perkongsian (dengan Allah) dalam mencipta dan menguruskan langit? Atau pernahkah Kami memberi mereka sebuah Kitab (mengakui mereka menjadi kongsi Kami), maka (dengan itu menjadilah) perkongsian mereka berdasarkan keterangan yang terdapat dari Kitab itu? (Tidak ada sesuatu alasan pun) bahkan orang-orang yang zalim itu, terpedaya dengan kata-kata yang disebutkan oleh setengahnya kepada yang lain, kata-kata yang hanya menjanjikan perkara yang tidak benar.” (Fatir:40)

Kedua – Allah menyeru manusia agar menyembahNya dan mengemukakan dalil yang nyata kenapa mereka wajib menyembahNya. Begitulah halnya apabila kita hendak menyampaikan agama ini dan menyeru manusia kepada Islam, mestilah disampaikan dengan hujjah dan bukti yang jelas akan kebenarannya.

Ketiga – Seruan dalam ayat ini di tujukan kepada seluruh umat manusia. Kita sebagai umat Islam yang membaca al-Quran mengetahui seruan ini. Bagaimana halnya manusia yang belum Islam yang tidak membaca al-Quran? Mereka tidak mengetahui bahawa mereka diseru oleh Allah, Pencipta mereka. Siapa yang patut sampaikan?
Kitalah! Di sinilah letaknya tanggungjawab yang amat besar di atas bahu kita. Sampaikanlah seruan ini kepada seramai mungkin manusia. Jika tidak, apakah jawapan kita di hadapan Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla di akhirat kelak? Nabi s.a.w. sendiri telah berpesan maksudnya: “Sampaikanlah daripadaku walaupun satu ayat!” Riwayat al-Bukhari.

Ya Allah! Bantulah kami untuk menyampaikan seruanMu ini.

Saturday, September 19, 2015


“Dan serukanlah (wahai Ibrahim) umat manusia untuk mengerjakan ibadat Haji, nescaya mereka akan datang ke (rumah Tuhanmu) dengan berjalan kaki dan dengan menunggang berjenis-jenis unta yang kurus yang datangnya dari berbagai jalan (dan ceruk rantau) yang jauh.” (Al-Hajj:27)

Setelah Nabi Ibrahim a.s. selesai membina Kaabah bersama puteranya, Nabi Ismail a.s. Allah perintahkan baginda agar menyeru umat manusia datang mengunjungi rumah tersebut.

Ibn Kathir melaporkan bahawa apabila Nabi Ibrahim diperintahkan agar menyeru manusia, beliau berkata: “Ya Rabb, bagaimana aku hendak sampaikan kepada manusia sedangkan suaraku tidak sampai kepada mereka?”
Allah menjawab: “Serukanlah. Kami yang akan sampaikan seruanmu itu.”
Lalu Ibrahim berdiri di atas tempatnya yang dikenali sebagai Maqam Ibrahim, (ada pendapat mengatakan baginda berdiri di atas Hijir, di atas bukit Safa, di atas bukit Abu Qubais) dan berseru: “Wahai sekelian manusia, sesungguhnya Tuhan kamu telah menetapkan sebuah rumah, maka kunjungilah rumah ini.”
Dikatakan bahawa bukit bukau menunduk supaya tidak menjadi penghalang kepada suaranya sampai ke serata pelusuk dunia. Justeru, suaranya merentasi seluruh buana, didengari oleh bayi di dalam Rahim dan di dalam sulbi. Ia disahut oleh semua yang mendengar termasuk batu dan kayu serta orang-orang yang Allah telah tulis mereka akan datang menunaikan haji sehingga ke hari qiamat. Semuanya menyahut dengan lafaz “Labbaikallahumma Labbaik.”

Beberapa pengajaran dapat dipetik daripada apa yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibn Kathir daripada Ibn Abbas dan lain-lain ini:
1.    Haji adalah ibadah yang diwarisi turun temurun sejak zaman Abu al-Anbiaa’ Nabi Ibrahim a.s. Ia merentasi bangsa, masa, dan benua.
2.    Allah perintahkan Nabi Ibrahim a.s. supaya menyeru seluruh manusia mengungjungi RamahNya. Pada perkiraan Nabi adalah sukar atau hampir mustahil suaranya didengari oleh mereka yang diseru. Baginda bertanya: “Ya Rabb, bagaimana aku hendak sampaikan kepada manusia sedangkan suaraku tidak sampai kepada mereka?” Ini menunjukkan tidak salah bertanya untuk mendapatkan penjelasan, bukan untuk membantah. Sesungguhnya perintah Allah itu wajib ditaati, namun tidak bermakna kita tidak boleh bertanya. Kalau perintah Allah boleh ditanya untuk penjelasan, apa lagi perintah ketua yang merupakan manusia biasa? Tentulah boleh ditanya dan diminta penjelasan, bukan dengar dan taat membuta tuli.
3.    Allah perintahkan sesuatu yang zahirnya kelihatan seperti mustahil, bukan untuk mendera atau menyusahkan hambaNya. Dia hanya mahu kita patuh kepada perintahNya. Jika kita patuh, Dia beri kita pahala. Dia tidak menyoal kita tentang natijah pelaksanaan itu. Natijah adalah urusanNya. Lantaran itu, Allah menyuruh Nabi Ibrahim menyeru, sampai atau tidak seruan itu adalah urusan Dia semata-mata. Begitulah dalam berdakwah, tugas kita hanya menyampai, berusaha mengetuk hati manusia agar beriman. Yang memasukkan iman ke dalam hati mereka adalah Allah. Bukan kita.

4.    Ibn Kathir berkata, berdasarkan ayat ini sebahagian ulamak berpendapat menunaikan haji dengan berjalan kaki lebih afdhal bagi mereka yang mampu kerana Allah menyebut datang berjalan kaki terlebih dahulu daripada datang dengan menunggang kenderaan. Namun, kebanyakan ulamak berpendapat menaiki kenderaan lebih afdhal kerana mengikut perbuatan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Baginda datang dengan menaiki kenderaan meskipun Baginda seorang yang memiliki kekuatan yang sempurna.


Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a. Nabi s.a.w. bersabda maksudnya: "Sesungguhnya seseorang itu bercakap dengan satu perkataan yang dia tidak tabayyun apa yang terkandung di dalamnya, menjunamkan dia ke dalam neraka dengan sebab perkataan itu, lebih jauh daripada jarak antara timur dengan barat!" Hadis sahih dikeluarkan oleh al-Bukhari, Muslim dan Ibn Hibban.

Hadis yang sangat ringkas, jelas dan tidak perlu diulas.
Kini, hujung jari turut mengambil peranan lidah. Kata-kata bukan hanya keluar dari bibir, malah lebih tajam apabila diketuk oleh hujung jari.
Maka jangan biarkan diri binasa dek sepatah kata. Di dalam hadis yang diriwayatkan daripada Mu'az bin Jabal r.a. Nabi s.a.w. bersabda maksudnya: "Sesungguhnya kamu tetap berada dalam keadaan selamat selagi kamu diam. Apabila kamu bercakap, ditulis kata-kata itu. Mungkin ia menguntungkan kamu atau mecelakakan." Hadis sahih riwayat at-Tirmizi dan at-Tabrani.

Nota: tabayyun bermaksud, selidik untuk mempastikan sesuatu perkara itu betul atau tidak.


Daripada Anas bin Malik r.a. Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda maksudnya:
“Antara hak muslimin yang wajib ke atas kamu ialah EMPAT perkara:
-       menolong mereka jika mereka berbuat baik
-       memohon ampun jika mereka berdosa
-       berdoa untuk mereka yang berpaling dari kebenaran dan enggan menegakkannya
-       mencintai dan menyayangi mereka yang bertaubat.”
Riwayat ad-Dailami dengan sanadnya.

Subhanallah, betapa indahnya akhlak muslim yang diajar oleh Nabi kita s.a.w.
Sesungguhnya muslim tidak sunyi daripada empat keadaan di atas, iaitu muslim yang baik, muslim yang melakukan dosa dan maksiat, muslim yang berpaling tadah atau yang berubah haluan dari baik kepada jahat atau kurang baik dan muslim yang insaf dan bertaubat daripada dosa-dosa yang lalu.
Nabi s.a.w. mengajar kita menghadapi semua kategori itu dengan akhlak yang mulia, sikap yang positif serta membantu mereka istiqamah di atas  jalan yang benar dan lurus serta kembali ke jalan itu jika telah tersasar.

Yang baik, kita tolong dan bekerjasama dengannya.
Yang berdosa, sedarkan dan mohon ampun untuknya
Yang berubah, ajak dan berdoa supaya dia kembali kepada kebenaran
Yang bertaubat, terima dengan dada yang lapang. Tunjukkan kegembiraan kita terhadap kepulangannya dan jangan ungkit atau sebut-sebut lagi kisah silamnya.

Thursday, September 03, 2015


Thu Al-Kedah 1st, 1436 H
Corresponding to August 15th, 2015

Statement on behalf of Muslim Scholars' Associations and Islamic Organizations, on the New Agenda for the UN General Assembly Special Session, to be held in Sept. 25- 27, 2015, titled:
Praise be to Allah, and prayer and peace be upon the final Messenger of Allah; Muhammad, and upon his family and companions and all those who follow his noble guidance until the Day of Judgment.
The whole world is looking forward to the New Agenda, which the United Nations and its bodies announced launching in the high-level meeting of the General Assembly, to be held in New York from 25 to 27 September 2015, titled “TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD: THE 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”. The Preamble of the new Agenda stated that: “We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet. We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind”.
Although the New Agenda contains many important developmental items, it regrettably still involves the same contentious and controversial issues which have been replicated in all the previous relevant UN documents concerning development, population, women, etc., which resulted the impossibility of the full implementation of those documents as a result of the objections and reluctance of many governments and peoples on those issues[1]. Therefore the impossibility of the full implementation of the new Agenda remains a reality, although item (5) claims that it is: “…accepted by all countries and applicable to all”.
The main reservations of Muslim Scholars' Associations & Islamic Organizations on the New Agenda are as follows:
First: the insistence on providing sexual and reproductive health services for all, universally, including for family planning, information and education[2] (regardless of and with no mention of the age or marital status), and “the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programs”[3], “as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences”[4].
And thus the unmarried, as well as children and adolescents get all the information and services which enable them to prevent pregnancy, which is considered a green light for practicing adultery, especially with the reference to the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development[5], which stipulated that “sexually active adolescents will require special family-planning information, counselling and services, and those who become pregnant will require special support from their families and communities during pregnancy and early child care. Adolescents must be fully involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation of such information and services with proper regard for parental guidance and responsibilities”.[6]
It is worth mentioning that the Secretary-General’s report encourages countries which “provide comprehensive sexuality education[7], including learning about consent and respectful and equal relationships, is also being provided by states to address violence against girls in schools.[8]
In addition to the international pressure for legalizing abortion, the report of the International Conference on Human Rights entitled “ICPD Beyond 2014”, which was held in the Netherlands, July 2013, has condemned “the existence of criminal laws against sexual and reproductive rights, including laws criminalizing same-sex consensual relations, adultery, sex work, undocumented migrants, people living with HIV, access to information about sexuality, and access to safe[9] abortion services”.[10] The conference stressed the need to ensure people’s access to the widest possible range of contraceptive methods, including emergency contraception, as well as to safe abortion services. The need to provide adolescents and youth with comprehensive sexuality education was emphasized[11].
While these documents consider restricting “sexual freedoms for all” as human rights violation, they turn a blind eye to the flagrant violations such as killing, burning, and systematic rape, torture, and arbitrary arrests which happen regularly to Muslim women and girls in many parts of the world, such as Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Burma, Egypt, and Central Africa where girls are deprived of the most basic human rights—namely the right to life.
Second: Adoption of Gay rights through the application of “Gender[12]Equality”, and stressing on its integration within the global system of human rights. Also stressing the link between Gender equality and achieving sustainable development;
The Secretary-General's reports show the continued support of the United Nations to gay rights, and the determination of the removal of all obstacles to those rights. The most recent reports is the one titled: “The Road to Dignity by 2030: Ending Poverty, Transforming All Lives and Protecting the Planet” which states: “An enabling environment under the rule of law must be secured for the free, active and meaningful engagement of civil society and of advocates, reflecting the voices of women, minorities, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups…”[13]. The repeated support of the Secretary-General to “Gay Rights” is quite clear in several reports and on several occasions[14].
The integration of “gender equality” in the New Agenda over several paths[15], also specified in goal (5) of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) which stipulates: “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”, indicates that the issue of gender equality and subsequent approval of gay rights, is a core issue that the UN is targeting to resolve globally through this “New Agenda”. [16] Which is emphasized under the title "New Agenda” that: The systematic mainstreaming of a gender perspective in the implementation of the Agenda is crucial[17].
Before the UN General Assembly Special Session is held, several events were held by LGBTs simultaneously all over the world, which were covered by media and the social media networks, to deliver a clear message that homosexuality has become a reality, and gays have all the right to choose their gender identities and their sexual orientation, under the protection of international law, and within the international human rights system[18].
On the other hand, the “New Agenda” calls for banning 3 different types of marriage: child marriage, early marriage and forced[19] marriage[20]. Since, according to UN conventions, childhood ends at 18; then “early marriage” is meant to start after the age of 18. This means that the “New Agenda” calls for banning marriage not only for teens (under 18) but also for youth while at the same time advocating adultery and homosexuality as human rights and fundamental freedoms for all!
This question then imposes itself: “What will society benefit by banning marriage for teens and youth while allowing them to commit adultery and homosexuality under the law?”
Third: Claiming to change laws and legislations (including family laws) considering any difference in legislation as "discriminatory laws"[21], in order to apply complete and full equality:
Islam guarantees equality for women in all spheres of life while at the same time maintains the distinction between men and women in terms of responsibilities and rights within the family ensuring their complementary roles which guaranties family cohesion and supports the family’s role in building a strong and healthy community.
While the New Agenda demands bypassing all attributes and applying complete and full equality, then changing all laws and legislation that respect such attributes labeling them as “discriminatory laws”, the Muslim Scholars' Associations & Islamic Organizations cannot accept any demand that may threaten the family’s cohesion. The New Agenda’s demand of changing "discriminatory laws" includes:
-       Complete equality in marriage and divorce legislations. [22]
-       The abolition of guardianship, and the abolition of stewardship and replace them with full partnership and equal sharing in all family responsibilities[23].
-       Equality in inheritance which New Agenda includes within its claims of equality in the Goals: (1.4) and (5.a) of the Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs] and is also emphasized by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in several reports[24].
-       Gender Equality means all (genders) are equal (straight and gay) in rights and obligations. As the wife inherits her husband, a gay may also inherit his/her partner. Also, their adopted children, may inherit them. The gay couple will also receive all social guarantees, securities and safeguards received by straight couples, etc.
Forth: The international mandate to implement the New Agenda by 2030. This mandate is repeated frequently. For example, the Report of the International Conference on Human Rights “ICPD Beyond 2014” “reaffirmed that rights related to sexuality and reproduction are universal human rights, to which all people are entitled irrespective of race, sex, ethnicity, religion, political or other opinion, or any other status; that all States have obligations to ensure these rights..”[25].
The New Agenda also states that: “the Agenda will be implemented in a manner that is consistent with the rights and obligations of states under international law[26], and “will guide the decisions we take over the next fifteen years”.[27] In a clear contradiction with items (10, 30, 38) in the Agenda which states that: “The New Agenda is guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations”, while the UN Charter states that: “Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state”[28]
While at the same paragraph where the Agenda states: “respecting national policies and priorities”, it also states that: “The SDGs and targets are integrated and indivisible, global in nature and universally applicable”[29]. This means that there should not be any reservations on any of those goals, even if they are conflicted with religions or with basic values and morals, without which Nations collapse and that what makes "respecting RELIGIONS, national policies and priorities" conditional to fully achieving the SDGs.
Likewise, what is stipulated in Goal (16.10) of the SDGs: “protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements”, is self-contrasting, because the term “Basic freedoms” is so broad that it includes, according to the New Agenda and the reports and documents which it recalls:  sexual freedom, freedom to choose "gender identity" and "sexual orientation", which is in contradiction to many countries’ national legislations!
Under this extreme contradiction, it is impossible to combine "fundamental freedoms" from the international perspective, and "national legislations" in one frame unless they become compatible.
So, will the conservative countries change their national laws to conform to the international conventions, or, will the United Nations decide to respect the cultural diversity of the peoples of the earth, and their right to formulate their own national laws?
Demands of Muslim Scholars' Associations & Islamic Organizations:
First: We ask the United Nations Organization and its subsidiary bodies to respect the will of the people and the moral and ethical organizations upon which they are based and that effectively keep international peace and security.
Second: Islamic nations are urged to take a united and decisive stand about the international documents related to population and women and children and to reject all what is contrary to Islamic legislation in the document “TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD: THE 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” or any subsequent documents laid for discussion or signature.
Third: Strengthening government’s positions to adhere to the reservations and preserve religious identity and national sovereignty.
Fourth: The United Nations Organization is requested to take serious steps and processes to remove actual violence toward women and girls in all areas where they are exposed, like: murder, arson, arrests, torture, and systematic rape.

The Statement is issued by the following Scholar’s entities & Islamic NGOs:
الاتحاد العالمي لعلماء المسلمين
International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS)
المجلس الأوربي للإفتاء والبحوث
European Council for Fatwa and Research
مجلس الأئمة الفدرالي الاسترالي
Australian Federal Council of Imams
رابطة علماء المسلمين الجزائريين
Algerian Muslim Scholars Association
المجلس الأعلى للأئمة والشؤون الإسلامية في البرازيل
The Supreme Council of Imams and Islamic Affairs in Brazil
التجمع الاوروبي للأئمة والمرشدين
European assembly of Imams and Advisors
الاتحاد الاسلامي في الدنمارك
The Islamic Union in Denmark
المجلس الاستشاري لهيئة الأوقاف الإندونيسية
Advisory Board of the Indonesian Awqaf
مجمع الفقه الإسلامي في الهند
The Islamic Fiqh Academy India
جمعية العلماء بعموم كيرلا
Samastha Kerala Jam'iyyathul Ulama
رابطة علماء العراق
Iraq Scholars Association
المعهد العالي للقضاء بسورية الحرة
The Higher Judicial Institute in Syria
مؤسسة القدس الدولية
Al-Quds International Institution
جماعة العدل والاحسـان بالمغرب
Justice and Charity Jamaa
جمعية علماء نيبال
Nepal Association of Scholars
رابطة علماء فلسطين
Palestinian Scholars League
جمعية العلماء في الصومال
Scholars Association in Somalia
رابطة علماء سوريا
Syrian Scholars Association
الجمعية التونسية للعلوم الشرعية
Tunisian Association for  Sharia Sciences
مجلس القضاء الإسلامي بجنوب أفريقيا
Muslim Judicial Council of South Africa
المجلس الاعلى الاسلامي بالسنغال
The Islamic Supreme Council of Senegal
جمعية رحمة للعالمين بكندا
The Association of Mercy to the World in Canada
التجمع الأوروبي للأئمة والمرشدين
European  Assembly for Imams and Advisors
رابطة علماء أهل السنة
Sunni scholars Association
هيئة علماء فلسطين في الخارج
The Association of Palestinian Scholars (outside Palestine )
أكاديمية الشريف لدراسة أصول الفقه وعلوم الشريعة
ALShareef Academy for Studies of Origins of Jurisprudence & Sharia Divisions LTD
جبهة علماء الأزهر
The Front  of  Azhar scholars  
نقابة الدعاة المصرية
Egyptian Syndicate of Advocates
اتحاد الحقوقيين المسلمين في لبنان
The Union of Muslim Lawyers in Lebanon
المؤتمر الإسلامي للشريعة والقانون في لبنان
Islamic Conference of Shari'a and law in Lebanon
اتحاد المؤسسات الإسلامية في لبنان
Union of Islamic institutions in Lebanon
جمعية الإنقاذ الإسلامية في لبنان
The Islamic Salvation Association in Lebanon
هيئة علماء المسلمين في لبنان
Association of Muslim Scholars in Lebanon
الهيئة العالمية للمرأة والأسرة المسلمة
International Muslim Organization for Woman and Family
الرابطة العالمية للمنظمات النسائية الإسلامية
Global League for Islamic Women’s Organizations
منظمة نساء الإسلام-السودان
Muslim Woman Organization in Sudan
الجمعية الطبية الإسلامية في بريطانيا
Islamic Medical Association/UK
مركز التمكين للمستقبل للاستشارات والدراسات- السعودية
Future Empowerment Center for Consultations and Studies
جمعية نشر العلم الشرعي (العلمية) الخرطوم-السودان
Society for the Promotion of Sharia Sciences, Khartoum , Sudan
المنظمة الطبية الإسلامية العالمية- السودان 
World Islamic Medical Organization , Sudan
الرابطة الأسلامية لنساء- العراق
Islamic League For Iraqi Women
جمعية منتدى المرأة المسلمة- العراق
Islamic woman forum in Iraq
جمعية زهرة العراق للأغاثة والتنمية- العراق  
Zahrat Al-Iraq for Relief and Development Association In Iraq
جمعية الأخت المسلمة- العراق
Muslim Sister Association in Iraq
جمعية النجاة الاجتماعية- لبنان 
Al Najat social association in Lebanon
مجلس اﻷئمة اﻷيرلندي   
Irish Council of Imam
مركز همم قطرية للتنمية البشرية 
Hemam Qataria Organization
مركز إسعاد للاستشارات
The Isaad Consulting Center
المنتدى الإسلامي العالمي للأسرة والمرأة
International Islamic Forum for Family & Women
جمعية برلمانيون من أجل الاسرة- تونس
The Parliamentarians Association for the family - Tunisia
التجمع اللبناني للحفاظ على الأسرة 
Lebanese league for  The Protection of the Family
جمعية مودة للارشاد الأسري في لبنان
Mawada Association for Family Counseling in Lebanon
الهيئة النسائية للرعاية والتواصل الاجتماعي
Women's Commission for care and social networking in Lebanon
جمعية إكرام ماليزيا-  قسم النساء
هيئة علماء السودان
The Institute of Muslim Scholars in Sudan
الرابطة الشرعية للعلماء والدعاة بالسودان
 The Shari'a League for Muslim scholars and preachers in Sudan 
رابطة علماء المسلمين بالسودان
The League Muslim Scholars in Sudan
جمعية الاصلاح الاسلامية – لبنان
Islamic Reform Society
جمعية الوعي والمواساة الخيرية – لبنان
Awareness and Consolation Association
أكاديمية بناء لإعداد العلماء
Binaa Academy to Qualify Scholars
مشروع وقاية الشباب من الأمراض المنقولة جنسيا والايدز
Youth Protection Project from STIs\HIV\AIDS
الأكاديمية الدولية لعلوم الأسرة والمجتمع
President of the International Academy of Sciences family and society
جمعية الإرشاد والإصلاح الخيرية الإسلامية- لبنان
Irshad Islah Islamic Beneficent Association
الرابطة الاسلامية لأخوات كوردستان
Kurdistan Islamic Sisters League
جمعية الدعوة والإصلاح بتونس
Daawa and Islah Association- Tunisia
رابطة علماء الشريعة في الخليج العربي
Arabyan Gulf Ashria Scholors Association
الاتحاد العالمي للجمعيات الطبية الإسلامية
Federation f Islamic medical Associations (FIMA)
جمعية الاتحاد الإسلامي – لبنان     
Islamic Union Association
رابطة خريجات الجامعة الاسلامية بالنيجر
Alumni Association of the Islamic University in Niger
منظمة الهلال الأزرق (الدواء والإغاثة)- موريشيوس
The Blue Crescent Organization (Mauritius)
جمعية مسلمي استرازبوزغ
Association des Musulmans de Strasbourg (A.m.s)
حركة الإحسان بالعراق
ديوان الوقف السني في جمهورية العراق
Republic of Iraq The Sunni Endowment
جمعية الأصلاح للتنمية المجتمعية- العراق
AL- Eslah for community- Iraq
الرابطة الأسلامية لنساء العراق
Islamic League For Iraqi Women
جمعية زهرة العراق
Zahrat AL- Iraq For Relief And Development
منتدى المرأة المسلمة- العراق
Islamic Woman Forum- Iraq
جمعية الأخت المسلمة- العراق
Muslim Sister Association- Iraq
الاتحاد العالمي للجمعيات الطبية الإسلامية
Federation of Islamic medical Associations (FIMA)
مركز الجزيرة العربية للدراسات والبحوث بصنعاء
Aljazeera al-Arabiya center for studies and Researches
الرابطة الإسلامية الكردية
Islamic Kurdish League
مؤسسة رسول الرحمة العالمية
Messenger of Mercy Foundation
جمعية العفاف الخيرية- الأردن
Al-Afaf Charity and Welfare Society, Jordan
جمعية ريحانة الاسرة- الأردن
Rayhana Al Usrah Society in Jordan
جمعية دعم والحفاظ على الأسرة- تركيا
Family Protection and Support Foundation- Turkey
جمعية ملتقى الرحمة- فلسطين
Mercy Forum Society- Palestine
شبكة المؤسسات النسائية الاسلامية – فلسطين
Network of Muslim women's institutions -Palestine
هيئة علماء فلسطين في الداخل
The Association of Palestinian Scholars (inside Palestine)
مؤسسة الأخوات المسلمات
Muslimah Sisterhood Foundation (Persaudaraan Muslimah)
مؤسسة المرأة المسلمة الإندونيسية الطموحة
Aspiration of Indonesia Islamic Women Foundation (Yayasan Aspirasi Muslimah Indonesia)
معهد دراسات قدرات الأسرة بإندونيسيا
Family Resilience Studies Institute of Indonesia
 مجلس العلماء الإندونيسي
Indonesian Council of Ulama
مجلس العالمات المسلمات بإندونيسيا
Council of Muslim Women Scholars, Indonesia
الرابطة الوطنية للأسرة التونسية 
The National Association of Tunisian family
الجمعية النسوية لمكافحة الفقر والأمية-موريتانيا
Association Femme pour la Lutte Contre la Pauvrete et L’analphabetisme-  Mauritania
جمعية المرأة للتربية والثقافة- موريتانيا
Association de la Femme- Mauritania
مجلس الشورى لاتحاد المنظمات النسائية الإسلامية الإندونيسي
Federation of Indonesian Moslem Women Organizations (BADAN MUSYAWARAH ORGANISASI ISLAM WANITA INDONESIA)
جمعية الشابات المسلمات- فلسطين
Muslim Young Women Association - Palestine
جمعية الزهراء التنموية- فسطين
Al –Zahraa’ Developmental Association- Palestine
جمعية الفضيلة الخيرية- فسطين
Al-Fadhila Charity- Palestine
جمعية نسائم الفجر- فسطين
Dawn Breezes Association- Palestine
جمعية مودة لرعاية الأسرة- فسطين
Mawada Association for Family Welfare- Palestine
جمعية رياحين- فسطين
Rayaheen Association- Palestine
جمعية الشموع المضيئة- فسطين
The Luminous Candles Association- Palestine
جمعية حواء المستقبل- فسطين
The Future  Eve Association- Palestine
جمعية رائدات المستقبل- فسطين
Pioneers of the Future Association-  Palestine
جمعية تنمية الأسرة والمجتمع- فسطين
Family and Community Development Association- Palestine
جمعية نسائم الأمل- فسطين
Hope Breezes Association- Palestine
جمعية البرامج النسائية- فسطين
Association of Women's Programs- Palestine
جمعية الصلاح الخيرية- فسطين
Goodness Charity-  Palestine
جمعية زهرة للطفولة المبكرة- فسطين
Al-Zahra Association of Early Childhood- Palestine
جمعية الزاهرة الخيرية- فسطين
Al-Zahira Charity- Palestine
جمعية الإصلاح -البحرين
Al-Eslah Society-Bahrain
جمعية التونسيين في استرازبوزغ
Association des Tunisiens de Strasbourg
جمعية حقوق الاسرة- الأردن
Family Rights Association
الوكالة الإسلامية للإغاثه
مركز المرأة للمسؤولية المجتمعية
Women Center for Social Responsibility
منظمة نيو ميديا- كردستان
New Media Organization- Kurdistan
منظمة هستيار للتوعية الفرد- كردستان
Hastiyar Organization for Individual's consciousness Raising- Kurdistan
منظمة كشة لتوعية المراة – كردستان
Gasha Organization for Women's consciousness Raising – Kurdistan
منظمة خطباء كردستان
Kurdistan Orators Organization
منظمة سروشت للصحة و البيئة – كردستان
Sirusht Organization for Health & Envirnoment- Kurdistan
منظمة التفاهم للتنمية والتعايش الانساني-
Understanding Organization for Development and Human Co-existence- Kurdistan
منظمة كولروز للتربية الطلابية – كردستان
Gulzar  Organization for Students Education – Kurdistan
منظمة تبايي للاسرة – كردستان
Family Tabayee Organization- Kurdistan
منظمة هلين لتنمية الذات- كردستان
Hileen Organization for Self-Development – Kurdistan
منضمة تنفس الطبيعة- كردستان
Natural Respiration Organization- Kurdistan
منضمة تنفس الطبيعة- كردستان
Natural Respiration Organization- Kurdistan
مركز تآلف لتنمية الجمعيات- فرنسا
Taalof  Association for Development
منظمة سيماف لسعادة الاسرة
Simaf Organization for Happy Family
اتحاد المنظمات الأهلية في العالم الإسلامي
The Union of NGOs of the Islamic World
جمعية مودة - مملكة البحرين
Mawaddah Society - Bahrain
الاتحاد الاسلامي السوري للمحامين
Islamic Union Of Syrian Lawyers
منظمة بنيان - سوريا
​BONYAN Organization ​-​ Syria
جمعية الأقصى لرعاية الأوقاف والمقدسات الإسلامية-  فلسطين
​Al- Aqsa Association For Protection & Maintenance of Islamic Waqf​- Palestine
وقف الرأفة الإجتماعية - لبنان​
​Wakef of Al Raafa Social Association​ -Lebanon​
شبكة النماء اليمنية للمنظمات الأهلية- اليمن
​Yemeni Development Network for NGOs (YDN)​- Yemen​
الجمعية الأفغانية للإصلاح والتنمية الإجتماعية-  أفغانستان
Afghan Society for Social Reform and Development (ASSRD) ​- Afghanistan​
المجمع العلمي لعلماء أفغانستان
​Afghan Scholars Academic Association​- ​Afghanistan
مؤسسة إفريقيا للتعليم وتنمية المجتمع- كينيا​
​African Foundation for Education and Community Development (AFECD)​- ​Kenya
وقف الشبكة العالمية المستقبلية - ماليزيا​
Future Global Network Foundation - Malaysia
بعثة السلام العالمي- ماليزيا​
Global Peace Mission - Malaysia
جمعية أيادي الخير للإغاثة والأعمال الخيرية والدعوية - ليبيا
Ayady Al Khair Society - Libya
رابطة شباب لأجل القدس العالمية -لبنان​
​Youth for Al-Quds International League ​- ​Lebanon
الجمعية الإجتماعية - لبنان​
​The Social Association​- ​Lebanon
مركز نهاوند للوثائق والدراسات التاريخية – سنغافورة
​Nahawand Research Center- Singapore
جمعية باب العالم للطلاب الدوليين- تركيا
​Bab-I Alem Internatıonal Student Assocıatıon​- ​Turkey
جمعية الأتراك السوريين - تركيا
​Syrian Turkish Educational, Cultural and Solidarity Foundation​- ​Turkey
جمعية رجال الأعمال الأناضولية - تركيا
​Anatolian Businessmen Association​- ​Turkey
وقف رجال الأعمال المبتدئ  - تركيا
​Entrepreneur Businessmen Foundation​- ​Turkey
جمعية الفردوس- روهينغيا
​Firdous Rohingya Federation​- ​Rohingya
مركز الأمة للدراسات والتطوير- العراق
جمعية المدافعين عن العدالة - تركيا
The Associate of Justice Defenders​- ​Turkey
الرابطة الوطنية لترقية التربية و الثقافة موريتانيا
​The National Association for the promotion of education and culture​- Mauritania​
مؤسسة المواساة للأعمال الخيرية- ليبيا
​Al-Mowasat Foundation for Charity Work​- ​Libya
جمعية إسطنبول للدراسات الأسرية والتعليم والإستشارة- تركيا
​Istanbul Family Research Training and Counseling Foundation​- ​Turkey
وقف المساجد والمدارس- باكستان​
​Mosques and Schools Foundation​- ​Pakistan
وقف متخرّجي ثانوية الأئمة والخطباء
Türkiye İmam Hatipliler Vakfı (TİMAV)
Turkey Imam and Preacher School Foundation (TIMAV)
وقف الهلالية للتعليم -  تركيا

Hilaliye Eğitim - Turkey
Hilaliye Education 
صندوق الإسراء للإغاثة والتنمية-  تركيا
Israa Relief and Development Fund- - Turkey
Isra Yardım ve Kalkınma Fonu
منتدى الزهراء للمرأة المغربية
Zehra Faslı Kadınlar Platformu
منظمة شاد الصحية-  كوردستان العراق
Shad Health Organization (SHO)- Kurdistan Iraq
منظمة زين للتدريب-  كوردستان العراق
Zin Training Organization (ZTO)-  Kurdistan Iraq
منظمة القانون لدعم المجتمع المدني-  كوردستان العراق
Law Organization for Supporting Civil Society (LOSCS)- Kurdistan Iraq
منظمة ورار للتنمية الهندسية-  كوردستان العراق
Warar Organization for Engineering Development (WOED)-  Kurdistan Iraq
منظمة سيماف لسعادة الاسرة-  كوردستان العراق
Simaf Organization for Family Happiness (SOFH)-  Kurdistan Iraq
 جمعية روافد للتنمية الاجتماعية- فلسطين
Rawafed  Association for Social Development- Palestine
 جمعية الثقافة والفكر الحر- فلسطين
Culture and Free Thought Association- Palestine
جمعية دعم الأسرة الفلسطينية- فلسطين
Palestinian Family Support  Association -Palestine
جمعية أرض الإسراء الخيرية- فلسطين
Israa land Charitable Association- Palestine
الجمعية الإسلامية- فلسطين
Islamic Association- Palestine
  جمعية الوفاء الخيرية- فلسطين
Al-Wafaa Charitable Association- Palestine
جمعية زاخر لتنمية قدرات المرأة الفلسطينية- فلسطين
Sacher Association for developing Palestinian women's capabilities- Palestine
جمعية رائدات المستقبل- فلسطين
Future  Pioneers Society- Palestine
جمعية النشاط النسائي- فلسطين
Women's activity Society- Palestine
جمعية دير البلح لتأهيل المعاقين- فلسطين
Deir al-Balah Association for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled- Palestine
جمعية أنا وطفلي لرعاية المراة والطفل- فلسطين
Me and my Child  Society for Women and Children Care- Palestine
  جمعية إبداعات شابة- فلسطين
Young Innovations Society- Palestine
 جمعية التحالف للإغاثة والتنمية- فلسطين
The Coalition Society for Relief and Development- Palestine
جمعية شموع الأمل المجتمعية- فلسطين
Hope Candles Societal Association- Palestine
 جمعية ابن باز الخيرية- فلسطين
Bin Baz Society- Palestine
جمعية المتوسط للتنمية المجتمعية- فلسطين
Mediterranean Society for Community Development- Palestine
 جمعية الوئام الخيرية- فلسطين
Al-Wiam Charitable Society- Palestine
جمعية الإخاء للإغاثة والتنمية- فلسطين
Al-Ikhaa’ Association for Relief and Development- Palestine
جمعية السلام والتضامن للإغاثة- فلسطين
Peace and Solidarity Society for Relief- Palestine
جمعية فلسطين الخيرية للإعمار والتنمية - فلسطين
Palestine Charity for Reconstruction and Development- Palestine
التأهيل والتدريب الاجتماعي- فلسطين
Rehabilitation and Social Training- Palestine
 هيئة فلسطين الخيرية- فلسطين
Charitable Association of Palestine
  جمعية تنمية الأسرة والمجتمع- فلسطين
Family and Community Development Association- Palestine
جمعية الحياة والأمل- فلسطين
Life and Hope Society- Palestine
جمعية حواء المستقبل- فلسطين
Future Eve Society- Palestine
 جمعية أصدقاء الطالب- فلسطين
Student Friends Society- Palestine
جمعية براء الخيرية- فلسطين
Baraa Charity- Palestine
 جمعية الزهراء التنموية- فلسطين
Al-Zahra Developmental Association- Palestine
جمعية تأهيل وتطوير البيت الفلسطيني- فلسطين
Rehabilitation and development of the Palestinian house Association- Palestine
  جمعية زهرة الطفولة المبكرة- فلسطين
Early Childhood Flower Society- Palestine
 جمعية الفلاح الخيرية- فلسطين
Falah Charity- Palestine
جمعية الشمال للتنمية والتطوير المجتمعي- فلسطين
North Association for Community Development- Palestine
جمعية المستقبل لتعليم الكبار- فلسطين
Future Association for Adult Education- Palestine
جمعية الرحمة للأطفال- فلسطين
Mercy Association for Children- Palestine
جمعية النشاط النسائي- فلسطين
Association for Women's activities - Palestine
جمعية الريحانة لتنمية المرأة الفلسطينية- فلسطين
Rihaneh Association for the Development of Palestinian Women- Palestine
جمعية الفضيلة الخيرية النسائية- فلسطين
Fadhila Women's Charitable Society- Palestine
جمعية رياحين الخيرية- فلسطين
Rayaheen Charity- Palestine
جمعية مودة لرعاية الأسرة- فلسطين
Mawaddah Association for Family Welfare- Palestine
 جمعية شهد للأمومة والطفولة- فلسطين
Shahd Society for Motherhood and Childhood- Palestine
جمعية الهداية الخيرية- فلسطين
Hedayah Charity- Palestine
جمعية نور المعرفة- فلسطين
Nour Al-Marefah Association- Palestine
جمعية أجيال المستقبل الخيرية- فلسطين
Future Generations Charity- Palestine
جمعية البريج لتأهيل المعاقين- فلسطين
Bureij Association for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled-  Palestine
اللجنة الخيرية لمناصرة فلسطين- فلسطين
Charity Committee to advocate for Palestine
جمعية التضامن لمقدمي الرعاية الصحية للمرأة-  تركيا
Women Health Care Providers Solidarity Organization- Turkey
 رابطة علماء المسلمين
Muslim Scholars Association



























[1]- The Political Declaration, 59th meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women (Beijing+20), March 2015, stated: “that twenty years after the Fourth World Conference on Women, no country has achieved equality for women and girls”.
[2] - item (26) of the Agenda.
[3]- Goal (3.7) of the SDGs.
[4] - Goal (5.6) of the SDGs.
[5] - Goal (5.6) ensured universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences.
[6] - Report of the International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, 1994, item (7/47), page (50)
[7] - “Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) enables children and young people to acquire accurate information about human sexuality, sexual and reproductive health, and human rights, including about: sexual anatomy and physiology; reproduction, contraception, pregnancy and childbirth; sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS; family life and interpersonal relationships; culture and sexuality; human rights empowerment, non-discrimination, equality and gender roles; sexual behavior and sexual diversity; and sexual abuse, gender-based violence and harmful practices”. [UNFPA Operational Guidance for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: A Focus on Human Rights and Gender, CSE Definition and Guiding Principles, page 6].
[8] - Report of the Secretary-General, Review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, E/CN.6/2015/3, March 2015, item (71).
[9] - The term “Safe abortion" is used to express the legalization of abortion.
[10] - CONFERENCE REPORT, ICPD Beyond 2014, International Conference on Human Rights, the Netherlands, July 2013, page 5.
[11] - CONFERENCE REPORT, ICPD Beyond 2014, International Conference on Human Rights, the Netherlands, July 2013, page 6.
11- The term gender represents a hinge term that most terminology of the UN documents. It can be noted that the term GE is incorrectly translated as “equality between the sexes” in Arabic documents and is used in various contexts including “Gender Identity” which is defined by (Encyclopedia Britannica) as “the feeling a person has himself as male or female”. Therefore, a person’s type, according to this definition is dependent upon and varies according to the individual’s feeling and choice. While the term “sex” means male and female, the term “gender” includes male, female, gay, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender. With this in mind, “Gender Equality” includes the equality of all types including gays.
[13] - Synthesis report of the Secretary-General on the post-2015 sustainable development agenda “The road to dignity by 2030: ending poverty, transforming all lives and protecting the planet”, A/69/700, Sixty-ninth session, General Assembly, Dec. 2014, item (78).
[14] - He stated: “from disadvantaged ethnic groups. A growing number of States also highlighted the difficulties faced by lesbian, gay and transgender people in having their health needs recognized and addressed. Yet, same-sex conduct continues to be criminalized in some countries, penalizing individuals and jeopardizing their enjoyment of the right to health and other human rights”. [Report of the Secretary-General, Review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, E/CN.6/2015/3, March 2015, item (105)].
[15]- Paths like: human rights, development strategies, education, laws and legislations….etc.
[16]- The term Gender is repeated In: the Preamble, items (3, 8, 14, 20), Goals (1.b, 4.5, 4.7, 5, 5.c, 17.18) of the SDGs & item (74-e) of Follow-up and Review.
[17]- Item (20) of the New Agenda.
14- The Secretary General of the UN has praised countries that have introduced specific legislation that include: ”Specific legal protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people,…” [Report of the Secretary-General, Review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, E/CN.6/2015/3, March 2015, item (281)].
[19] - Forced marriage is completely forbidden in Islam.
[20]- Goal (5.3) of the SDGs.
[21]- Goal (10.3) of the SDGs.
[22] - CEDAW Committee commented on Jordan’s report: “women do not have equal rights with men in laws on personal status, especially marriage, divorce, child guardianship, inheritance and choice of residence… the Committee recommended amendment of relevant laws and removal of reservations to the Convention” [Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Pre-session working group, Thirty-ninth session, 23 July-10 August 2007, CEDAW/C/JOR/Q/4]
* Committee On Economic, Social and Cultural rights commented on the Moroccan report: "The Committee notes with regret that polygamy, despite the restrictions placed on it by the new Family Code, continues to be practiced in Morocco”.. “despite the progress made in the new Family Code, particularly with regard to the procedure for divorce by mutual consent, the abolition of compulsory matrimonial guardianship for women and restrictions on one-sided divorce, Moroccan legislation still contains some discriminatory provisions, particularly with regard to inheritance and criminal matters”.. “The Committee encourages the State party to step up its efforts to respect and protect the rights of women, and recommends that it abolish polygamy once and for all”. [COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS, Thirty-sixth session, May 2006, E/C.12/MAR/CO/3, items (15, 16, and 38)].
[23] - That was stipulated by the report of the Secretary-General, Review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, E/CN.6/2015/3, March 2015, items: (29 & 173). And the Goal (5.4) of the SDGs.
[24] - As stipulated by the report of the Secretary-General, Review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, E/CN.6/2015/3, March 2015, items (29) as well as in many other reports.
[25] - CONFERENCE REPORT, ICPD Beyond 2014, International Conference on Human Rights, the Netherlands, July 2013, page 5.
[26] - Item (18) of the Agenda
[27] - Item (21) of the Agenda.
[28] - The Charter of the United Nations, CHAPTER I, PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLES, item (2.7).
[29] - Item (55) of the Agenda.